Decompressive Lumbar Spinal Surgery or…

…How a stab in the back can be a good thing!

I was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis and .after waiting almost 6 years and being unable to walk my usual hour every morning I finally got the surgery I needed.

We went to Victoria General Hospital on Nov. 4. After a pre-op wait of about three hours I got a Laminectomy(removal of bone or part of ligament) using Microdisectomy(using a camera and tube, not major surgery) with Foriminotomy (removal of bone around the neural Foramin-the canal where the nerve route exits the spine). I then waited 6 hours in post op until they found a bed for me.

The next morning I felt some pain (not a lot) and after a visit with the excellent surgeon was granted discharge. However the diligent nurses wouldn’t let me go until i urinated a fair amount. I had to wait about 6 hours before I supplied enough urine to get me the ‘all clear’.

We came back to Hornby yesterday (Nov.6) and I’m now prepared to spend 3 to 4 weeks in rehabilitation and physiotherapy. But the expected heavy pain, and unsteadiness seems to be minimal so my own prognosis is very encouraging.

All in all the experience wasn’t fun but it was made manageable by the excellent hospital staff and, of course the expert surgery. And, of course the great care by kathi (she even supplied me with a bag of snacks to add to all the boiled eggs and cereal the hospital served)

So…I hope to continue the walks I was doing 6 years ago and if you see me on the road give a honk and a wave.

Bob Cain

17 thoughts on “Decompressive Lumbar Spinal Surgery or…”

  1. Wow, this all sounds positive Bob…glad to hear about the recovery plans. Maybe we will see you out there, Brian (on his bike) will for sure. Kathi – respect!

  2. Glad you had good people working on you Bob. Even though, not a walker, unless Margo convinces me, I look forward to touring with you my friend.

  3. Way to go Bob so glad you have gotten repaired we have been thinking of you. If you need anything we are in the hood.
    Dale and Peggie

  4. Thanks for the update Bob. Very glad to hear you’re doing so well after such a difficult surgery! Looking forward. Take care, take it slow. All the best …

  5. Dearest Bobby-
    Welcome news and good call.Our mobility is soooo important. We hope to see you on one of your many walks to come!!!Much Love Robin and Peter Walford.

  6. Looking forward to a walk with you Bob, hopefully next summer when Canada lets the likes of me back in to visit. Glad you are on the other side of this. heal well.

  7. The new trail alongside my place is excellent Bob, and you will love it. If you tiptoe along it the dogs will not bark at you! So glad to hear that you are getting repaired.

  8. Lots of happy endings / new beginnings this week . So glad to hear this . Happy trails ?

  9. Thanks John, Eva, Nanci, Gemma, Helen and Josie makes me want to hop on my Harley and visit Saltspring.

  10. I look forward to being so excited to see you out and about that I start talking without realizing that you are equipped with ear buds and I am forcing tugging on those to make sense of my prattle. It will be a good day, oft repeated. You will enjoy the excellent trail, the new Gull trail along Colin’s and on to Fowler. Feels like a miracle, the trail, and you too.

  11. I started watching “Easy Rider” yesterday and think this was how you were! So cool. Best to you Bob. X Josi

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