Category Archives: First Cabin


We first moved to Hornby in 1972 and built a cabin in preparation for the big house.

One morning, early on in the game, we heard a machine working the driveway. Up the back porch came Eddie Westwood who worked for BC Tel at the time.

Fast Eddie logging in the fifties.

He told us to get ready for a telephone line. Around the corner came a small backhoe digging a trench from the main road. Edie told us that the company was going underground for all connections. The line was put in and we had a phone!

Not for long. BC Tel decided to abandon their planĀ  as the buried cable was getting dug up right and left all over the island. Too much construction at the time. Shortly afterward the telephone line came through the sky. Of course this was Hornby so the cable was attached to trees.