Category Archives: Pre-Hornby


I worked with Alvin Balkind when he curated UBC Fine Arts Gallery. This is a show of paintings and prints by Joe Plaskett .

There’s Jo and Annette Shaw, Commercial artist, who became a great friend. (didn’t move to Hornby, though, she did move to a Gulf Island.)

Colin Spencer. Advertising design. Another link to Hornby. He and his wife ,Charlotte, Moved to Hornby in the early 70’s and started a new house. They split. He left and she’s still here.

We were getting quite a reputation. Jack Shadbolt brought in his Owl Paintings for copying. Yup, another Hornby connection. The Shadbolts were great friends and supporters over the years.

Glenn’s impression of yours truly.


Me in 1969. The copy camera also had a 4×5 back. We had a lot of fun with it.

Hal Arnold, Jo Cain. Hal’s apartment.

Hal and Dick Dunne met in England they were both in the Canadian Airforce. Hal had safely finished his 50 missions over Germany. Dick arrived too late. (The war ended as he was doing his training) They bought a sailboat together and sailed around England. They were going to sail it back to Canada but common sense took over and they abandoned the idea.

I’m pretty sure that Glenn was over there too and the three began a lifelong friendship.


North Van traffic was crazy. This was before the Sea Bus. Once, I got so fed up standing in a non-moving bus that I got off long before we’d reached the bridge. i commenced to walk to work.

I was over the bridge and exiting Stanley Park when the bus finally caught up to me. A car driver pulled up beside me and said”Now would you like a ride?” I thanked him and said I had only a few blocks to go. He laughed and drove off.

The merge etiquette was amazing. Everybody knew the proper technique. Pretty smooth.