
Another story-about heading back to the ship. Ron and I, after a night on the town, decided enough was enough and we should go back the ship. We’d take a taxi: checked our pockets and found we were broke. We’d spent everything on our night in town. What would we do? I suggested we just take a cab and find someone aboard who could lend us the money. We actually had to do it that way because, although the harbour was close to our part of Yokohama, we didn’t know how to get there and so that eliminated walking.


We jumped into a cab and headed home. It was dark. When we arrived. As we got out a dark figure approached. It was the purser! a dark inscrutable man who just stood there as we explained our problem. His only words “Go into the ship”. we left him there staring down at the driver. Don’t know what happened but assumed everything came out right.

Tomorrow I’ll try to document the dark part of our ship’s heritage. And the next day the ship sails, empty and light, ready for the Typhoon!