
So, this is  my sojourn into photography in the 1960’s. The highlighted texts are links. Just click on them to find out where I’m taking you. If you want to make a comment or see the comments just click on the title. If you missed the beginning go to rcainphoto.com and scroll back many days. 

So we were getting popular with artists and 4th avenue hippies. I took on many jobs which only could be done at night. (busy,busy) Here is one of two women that had a project and we worked well into the night producing it.

Tom Burrows, Roy Kiyooka 1993 at Joe King.

Roy Kiyooka had an art project called StoneDGloves involving  giant mounted photos of abandoned gloves during construction of the Tokyo Olympics.

StoneDgloves. Took six alnighters to do these.

I became friends with fellow photographer Rob Wood. We did a few projects together.

Madman meats the Madmen. Rob Wood confronts what I assume are Ad Executives.

Famous photographer, Bob Cain. Photo By Rob Wood/1970

One thought on “Overtime”

  1. Thanks Bob. I have really enjoyed your memory lane trip and have forwarded them to my three kids. A wonderful project.

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