5 thoughts on “Christmas Concert 1980”

  1. Wonderful photo! Back row left of Linda Stonehouse is Larissa, boy with cap I think is Faroh(sp), Latigon boy looking away. To left of Faro is Dean Thomson I believe and below him Tanya Johansson and below her Duncan. Thank you Bob!

  2. Not Anna in this photo but Chanace Van Der Hide, and blondie boy? is Micha VanDer Hide.
    Anna is in the next two photos.

  3. This is #52 film I took in 1980 so I’m pretty sure that’s the year this photo was taken. Maybe Dave Gerow can re-affirm the year.

  4. Back Row-Matisse?, Linda Stonehouse?, recognize but forget the third’s name, Shawn, Who is under the cap?, Jason Strachan, Josh Spears on the end (part of him),
    Second Row: Chad, Chris, Gailan, Petra, Boy looking away?, Thomasina, Yana, Carolyn, Dylan, Anna,
    Front Row: Brett, Gina Stonehouse, Stacey Edwards peeking through, Heeson, Tim, Blonde boy? Two Boy, Jessie, Nataunis (sp?), Ben.

    If this was Christmas 1980 it would have been my first class but I think it may be Christmas 1979.

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